So I just wanted to say "GOOD JOB M8" because this music feels great, it's not perfect at some moments, because of the masterisation and the confusion between different instruments, but that are so minor problems.
Any way, I read that "what makes any difference is within the character of the person projecting their art. It has little to do with talent as I don't have much"
This is a really intresting thought you're giving us, You are actually right, even though you need to know some basics about music and some experience if you wish to entertain the others, It's from the people basic tastes, and how you feel closer to this person by the same experience, something that you could reliate to create some kind of magic communication between the listener and the composer.
This is why I always think that the music is in the taste of the sublime, not beauty, it is something so abstract that is in direct contact with your earing sense, Cinema is merging those to create some kind of rules : the situation, the context etc.
Music speaks for itself, and that is also why we love to be ethnused about some kind of specific music, because it just encounters your own education and personality, but in a more detailed way, so you can fully apprehend and appreciate this unique taste.